Festivus Pole Pictures

The Festivus PoleFestivus PoleFestivus pole for thisMain elements of Festivusfestivus-poles_book.gifFestivus poleOur Festivus PoleA traditional Festivus poleThis is our Festivus Pole-Tree


'Seinfeld' over, but Festivus keeps giving
"It went over well except for one person who thought it was blasphemous and tried to knock over our Festivus pole," she said. "He refused to come to the ...

NPL Rules For the Holidays
or the Festivus Pole, but if you want to read it to the family instead of the traditional tales, have at it. (We do not guarantee a friendly reception). ...

Serious Men! Sexy Bellydancers! Festivus Miracles!
Today is Festivus, which means feats of strength, the airing of grievances and plenty of festivus miracles. Remember: The Festivus Pole should be made from ...


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