Haiti Pat Robertson Pictures

US televangelist Pat Robertson saysPat Robertson: Haiti \x26quot;Cursed\x26quot; AfterPat Robertson: Haiti \x26quot;Cursed\x26quot; Aftertelevangelist Pat RobertsonHelping Haiti (and tuning out PatEvangelist Pat Robertson blaimsHaiti: Pat Robertson Proves Why He'sPat Robertson blames HaitiPat Robertson: Haiti is Cursed,


Pat Robertson Haiti comments: French view theory with disbelief
Pat Robertson said the Haiti earthquake was God's punishment for Haitian slaves' 'pact with the devil' to win freedom from France. ...

Gibbs calls Limbaugh, Robertson statements on Haiti 'utterly stupid'
By Michael D. Shear White House press secretary Robert Gibbs lashed out at radio host Rush Limbaugh and televangelist Pat Robertson, calling their comments ...

White House: Robertson Remark About Haiti's Devil Pact is 'Utterly Stupid'
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs on Thursday called it "utterly stupid" for televangelist Pat Robertson to suggest the earthquake-stricken people of ...


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